Understanding patterns and finding balance
Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture: Health Through Balance
Ample time is given to address more complex health conditions. The acupuncturist may work on a variety of areas of the body based on the goals of treatment. In addition to acupuncture, treatment may include other therapies such as cupping, gua sha, herbal ointments, moxa, energy or bodywork.
Initial Acupuncture Treatment & New Patient Consultation:
Initial Acupuncture Treatment & New Patient Consultation: Session length 75 minutes
$135 |
Follow Up Acupuncture Session Session length 60 minutes
$90 |
Cosmetic Acupuncture Services
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Holistic Microneedling
Your Acupuncturist is uniquely qualified to perform Microneedling due to their in-depth knowledge of Chinese Medicine. Combining this ancient medicine with modern technology enhances health and beauty from the inside out. Body acupuncture addresses the internal causes of aging and organ imbalances, which often appear on the face. Relaxing, restorative acupuncture treatments can be combined with microneedling, drastically enhancing the effects.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture:
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture: Includes facial acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, facial mask and body acupuncture
Session length 90 minutes |
$145 |
Holistic Microneedling
Holistic Microneedling: Includes body acupuncture, full face and neck Microneedling with a customized soothing mask. Can be a stand alone treatment or for optimal results plan for 4-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart
Session length 90 minutes |
$225 |
What Acupuncture Treats
Pain Relief
Back pain, sports injuries, sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines.
Rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, asthma, allergies, common cold.
Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia..
Women's Health
Infertility, pre & post-partum support, menopause, menstural disorders.
Men's Health
Erectile dysfunction, prostate health, cardiovascular.
Constipation, nausea, diarrhea, acid reflux, IBS, ulcers.